39 years ago this week, Y&T showed us that Rock & Roll could save the world!

On July 4, 1984, Y&T released their sixth full-length studio album “In Rock We Trust” via A&M Records.

“In Rock We Trust” became the band's highest-charting and selling album, reaching No. 46 on the Billboard 200. The album produced Y&T's first big radio hit "Don't Stop Runnin'".

("Don't Stop Runnin" Japan Single)

("Don't Stop Runnin" US Single)
Dr Pepper acquired the rights to use "She's a Liar" in a radio ad campaign. To date, “In Rock We Trust” has sold over 450,000 copies.

This album was the only Y&T album to chart in Canada, reaching No. 77 on the RPM chart.

("Rock & Roll Is Gonna Save The World" Single)
The label brought in writer Geoffrey Leib for the album, the first time an external writer had been used.

("Lipstick And Leather" 12" Promo)
The success of “In Rock We Trust”, which saw the band continuing to perform at arenas and stadiums (including opening for RUSH and Dio on their tours for “Grace Under Pressure” and “The Last in Line” respectively, as well as playing with Whitesnake/David Coverdale, Twisted Sister, RATT, Dokken and Night Ranger), and participating in the 1984 edition of Monsters Of Rock at Donington Park in England, which gave Y&T better exposure than they had before.

This album was remastered and re-released on the band's official website in 2006. This edition also includes the studio version of "Go for the Throat", which had never before appeared on a Y&T album.

The song originally appeared in live form on 1985's “Open Fire” album, and was the B-side of their "All American Boy" single. It also appeared on the 1986 hunger benefit Hear 'n Aid compilation album Stars.

Critical Reception:
In his review for AllMusic, Eduardo Rivadavia, “in what I believe to be unjustly” critical of the album, stating;
“Y&T's difficulties in the recording studio continued with their sixth album, 1984's In Rock We Trust. You'd think the San Francisco quartet could have figured this out by now, but despite experimenting with a number of different approaches, recording techniques, and big-name producers, Y&T had yet to successfully capture their scorching live energy on vinyl. With Judas Priest producer Tom (Colonel) Allom on board this time around, they did manage to sound a little looser and more relaxed than on recent efforts, but to be quite honest, “In Rock We Trust” still paled in comparison to the freewheeling intensity of 1981's landmark “Earthshaker” album. "Masters and Slaves" and the driving "Break Out Tonight!" are among the highlights contained here, but the patriotic opener, "Rock & Roll's Gonna Save the World," pushes the cheese meter to the max. Making matters worse, on the ensuing tour the band would perform it in the company of their new mascot, the silver android depicted on the album's cover (aka Rock). The textbook power ballad "This Time" isn't half-bad and no doubt served its purpose as perfect "end of the prom" fodder, but consumers remained unimpressed and Y&T's slump continued unabated.”

Links to Artists, Albums, and Music Videos:
Click this link to listen to “In Rock We Trust (Remastered w/ Bonus Tracks)” via Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/in-rock-we-trust-bonus-track-version/1443865241
Click this link to listen to “In Rock We Trust” via Spotify: In Rock We Trust https://open.spotify.com/album/6hHdV5X9hTkpsny9xaDD1p
Click this link to watch the official music video for “Don’t Stop Running”: https://youtu.be/BJmq5gfd6R8
Click this link to watch the official music video for “"Lipstick & Leather" (with video footage of Live at the San Francisco Civic, 1985): https://youtu.be/Q48Y_3WIV34
Click this link to follow Y&T on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YandTRocks

Note: The reviews shared here are for historical reference. The views and opinions expressed within are not always supported (in full or in part) by Into the Wells. — E.N. Wells

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