29 years ago today, Dee Snider warned us to “Standby For Pain”!
On this day (June 28) 1994, Widowmaker released their second full-length studio album “Stand By For Pain” via Music For Nations.
Featuring an all star line-up of players, including Dee Snider from Twisted Sister, Joe Franco (a good friend to Twisted Sister and drummer on the album “Love Is for Suckers”), as well as Al Pitrelli (Alice Cooper, Trans-Siberian Orchestra) and Marc Russel. “Stand By For Pain” is much different compared to the bands first release “Blood & Bullets” which was more of a straightforward Heavy Metal release. The musical arrangements on this album have more of a Modern Metal sound, featuring down-tuned guitars and heavy grooves. Al Pitrelli's guitar work does have a darker, more gritty tone than on the previous release, where it had a more polished and bright feel.
The album features high-quality production, with all instruments well placed and audible in the mix. And as always, Dee comes out swinging like a madman on every song. Al Pitrelli’s guitar work is also as strong as ever on this album, featuring some of the heaviest riffs he has ever recorded. The songs range from slow to mid-paced, to all-out Headbangers. Dee Snider’s vocals are some of the heaviest and angriest that he has ever laid down on a recording as well. And, in my opinion, “Stand By For Pain” is a must have for any true Dee Snider fan. — E.N. Wells
Links to Artists, Albums, and Music Videos:
Click this link to listen to “Stand By For Pain” via Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/stand-by-for-pain/1142294480
Click this link to listen to “Stand By For Pain” via Spotify: Stand By for Pain https://open.spotify.com/album/0ga9DugDGr64BZlDH2bWEQ
Click this link to follow the Dee Snider on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/facedeesnider
Click this link to follow Al Pitrelli on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alpitrelli
Note: The reviews shared here are for historical reference. The views and opinions expressed within are not always supported (in full or in part) by Into the Wells. — E.N. Wells
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