18 years ago this week, Warmen told us to “Accept the Fact”!

On July 6, 2005, Warmen released their third full-length studio album, “Accept the Fact” via Spinefarm Records.

“Accept the Fact” features vocals by Timo Kotipelto, Marko Vaara, Jonna Kosonen and Alexi Laiho from Children Of Bodom. Alexi performs clean vocals in "Somebody's Watching Me" (originally by Rockwell), which is rare, since in Children of Bodom he has performed clean vocals in only one song, a cover of "Rebel Yell", originally by Billy Idol. The spoken words on the first track "Accept the Fact" are taken from the movie Amadeus, spoken by the character Salieri.
In 2000, Janne Wirman assembled the Progressive Metal band Warmen as his main side-project, his guitarist brother, Antti Wirman joined in on the band's second album, “Beyond Abilities”. The band then released their third offering with 2005’s “Accept The Fact”. With fellow countrymen Lauri Porra on bass and Mirka Rantanen on drums, and having no less than four guest vocalists, the album displays a variety of styles.
From the opening instrumental “Accept The Fact”, with Janne’s creative keyboards, and the bands melodic Speed/Power Metal aesthetic on songs like “Puppet” or “Waters Of Lethe” or the straightforward Heavy Metal of “Lying Delilah”, the band shows their strong penchant for diversity within the many sub-genres of Metal and beyond.

Stratovarius’ Timo Kotipelto, appears on two of the albums tracks. The first track, “Invisible Power” is a Neo-classical/Power Metal shred much like the singers aforementioned band. Kotipelto’s second performance in on the song “Puppet”, which is a much Thrashier tune, featuring alternating guitar and keyboard solos.
Marko Waara of TunnelVision is the next singer, who also performs on two of the albums songs. The first of them being the third track of the album, “Waters Of Lethe”. This track is a melodic riff-fest, featuring a strong vocal performance by Waara. His second appearance is on the previously mentioned traditional Heavy Metal sounding “Lying Delilah”, a mid-tempo number featuring hefty guitar riffs, and a classic 80’s keyboard sound.
A huge shock to the system is the appearance of Jonna Kosonen of Finnish Pop duo Nylon Beat, who sings on the track “They All Blame Me”. This track starts off with Jonna singing in her usual soft key, and within a short span of time you find out just what a powerhouse vocalist she truly is, with a sultry performance somewhat similar to Alannah Myles.

The very last song on the album is a cover of Rockwell’s classic “Somebody’s Watching Me”. Featuring Children of Bodom’s Alexi Laiho, and as per the usual CoB tradition, Laiho’s performance is somewhat tongue-in-cheek, having fun with cover songs outside of the Metal norm.
Of course, “Accept The Fact” displays a few instrumental tracks, beginning with its keyboard driven title track, complete with dual harmonies sections between brothers Janne & Antti. Or the neo-classical shred of “Ropongi Rumble”. And then we have the baroque stylings of “Return Of Salieri.
In conclusion; “Accept The Fact” is an experiment in different sounds and styles from a confident group of musicians who have nothing to prove to anyone. — E.N. Wells

Links to Artists, Albums, and Music Videos:
Click this link to listen to “Accept The Fact” via Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/accept-the-fact-finnish-version/1443812499
Click this link to listen to “Accept The Fact” via Spotify: Accept The Fact https://open.spotify.com/album/45yXyVHmcEEK3kv5igRl4f
Click this link to follow Warmen on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/warmen/
Note: The reviews shared here are for historical reference. The views and opinions expressed within are not always supported (in full or in part) by Into the Wells. — E.N. Wells

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