3 years ago today, we witnessed the “Force of Ancient Steel”!

On this day (July 10) in 2020, Portuguese Heavy-Speed Metallers Wanderer independently released their first full-length studio album, “Awakening Force”.

For this album, we are sharing this past review for Angry Metal Guy by Diabolus In Muzaka at angrymetalguy.com on December 10, 2020 in “THINGS YOU MIGHT HAVE MISSED 2020”;
“For the second year in a row, a Metal band from Portugal floored me with something I had no idea that I wanted to hear until I heard it. Last year it was Midnight Priest, and this year it’s Wanderer with their debut record “Awakening Force”. It’s not that either band are doing something extremely novel, but it’s their execution and emphasis on specific parts of their influences that make them both special. Wanderer play “Epic Speed Metal,” which is somehow simultaneously apt yet sells them a bit short. Let me explain.

The component parts here are specific yet merge seamlessly although they may not make sense at first blush, like putting bacon and peanut butter on a hamburger. 1) I hear Voivod, but a specific hypothetical Voivod: as if the band who recorded “Katorz” played “War and Pain”. Vocally, I’m reminded of Snake and this is a very good thing. There’s some Iron Maiden here too, notably the Paul Di’Anno era. You’ll hear a bit of Judas Priest and early Razor, along with some of the swords-and-sorcery Epic Metal sound which today is represented by a band like Visigoth. 2) These influences mingle and work together, much like the peanut butter melting and dripping onto the sizzling beef patty.

What’s great about “Awakening Force” is that Wanderer has a vision that’s not obvious at first blush. When “Oblivion” kicks in, I was impressed by the Voivod-esque sound – playful guitar, Snake-like vocal harmonies in the chorus, superb drumming. When a battle-ready lead – quickly harmonized for good measure – comes in and Wanderer goes full MANOWAR-via-Visigoth and pillages mightily, you know you’re in for a special record. It doesn’t let up at all, providing more fantastical “what if” moments like “Freedoms Call” which broadly sounds like Di’Anno-era Maiden trying to write and perform something longer and more involved a la “Somewhere in Time” but does it in a way that Iron Maiden might’ve done it had they dropped that record shortly after “Killers” and kept Di’Anno for one more record. “Force of Ancient Steel” is an expert blacksmithing act, forging the sword from the early Punkish Speed Metal of Voivod (although comparatively polished up like later Voivod) with the more traditional speed of early Razor, cutting this with the muscle of Visigoth.

What really sets “Awakening Force” apart is that it works on its own merits instead of being “Maiden worship” or what-have-you. Nowhere does Wanderer become a cover band or pale imitation of any of the influences named in my incomplete list above. Like most successful records, “Awakening Force” sees a small, uninhabited niche that the artist wants filled and said artist proceeding to make the music they wanted to hear. Like Midnight Priest (who are thanked in the liner notes), Wanderer is unpretentious and wear their iron hearts on their sleeves. They love Heavy Metal, and the music they make is completely earnest and free of irony because of it. Mandatory stuff for fans of the old and the trve.”

Tracks to Check Out: “Oblivion,” “Force of Ancient Steel,” “Way of the Blade”.

Links to Artists, Albums, and Music Videos:
Click this link to listen to “Awakening Force” via Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/awakening-force/1523240298
Click this link to listen to “Awakening Force” via Spotify: Awakening Force https://open.spotify.com/album/1rzeSKbIq9bwbZFBMBIvhh
Click this link to purchase “Awakening Force” via Bandcamp: https://wanderersteel.bandcamp.com/album/awakening-force
Click this link to follow Wanderer on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wanderersteel/

Note: The reviews shared here are for historical reference. The views and opinions expressed within are not always supported (in full or in part) by Into the Wells. — E.N. Wells

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