28 years ago today, we witnessed the “Embodiment of Chaos” through "Hate"!

On this day (July 7) in 1995, Sinister released their third full-length studio album, “Hate” via Nuclear Blast.
Background & Overview:
South Holland's Sinister were among the first Death Metal bands from the Netherlands to receive worldwide attention. Regardless of the constant lineup changes (drummer turned lead vocalist Aad Kloosterwaard is the only original member), the band has steadily remained brutal, concrete, and masterfully wicked, laying waste to everything in their path on a continuous onslaught.

The bands early demos in 1990 and 1991 gained Sinister attention in the Metal underground, but it was 1992's “Cross the Styx” (their debut release) where Sinister gained notoriety for their unrelenting ferocity. In my opinion, Sinister are one of the best Death Metal bands to come out of the Old-school Death Metal scene.

Handing out their brand of brutality since 1988, Sinister's first two albums "Cross the Styx" and "Diabolical Summoning" are more aggressive offerings, while their third release, "Hate" is similarly aggressive, yet it also implements a darker, more ominous undertone. Songs like "Awaiting the Absu" and the end of "Art of the Damned" have a distinct sound compared to other old-school Death Metal bands.

The way that Sinister transitions from fast and aggressive blast-beats into a straightforward groove with surgical precision is almost genius. The layered guitars add an element of atmosphere rarely heard on many DM albums. And, while former frontman Mike Van Mastrigt’s vocals range from brutally guttural growls to bloodcurdling high screams, every word is clearly heard. But, the “tour de force” is Sinister’s guitar riffs. Where many of the bands contemporaries limit themselves to the boundaries of pure Death Metal riffery, Sinister treads off the beaten path into uncharted territories. — E.N. Wells

Links to Artists, Albums, and Music Videos:
Click this link to listen to “Hate” via Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/hate/1617047265
Click this link to listen to “Hate” via Spotify: Hate https://open.spotify.com/album/5pHZSw2wdWn10xnFfKu0AO
Click this link to follow Sinister on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SinisterOfficial

Note: The reviews shared here are for historical reference. The views and opinions expressed within are not always supported (in full or in part) by Into the Wells. — E.N. Wells

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