40 years ago yesterday, a Reckoning of Doom was upon us!

On June 26, 1983, Pentagram released their second full-length studio album, “Day of Reckoning” via Napalm Records.

Joe Hasselvander originally played drums on only one track, "Burning Savior", with Stuart Rose recording the drums on all the rest.

“Day of Reckoning” was re-released by Peaceville Records in 1993, and in 1996 as part of a two-disc split CD with “Relentless”, and then again in 2005 as a digipak CD.

Hasselvander re-recorded drums on all tracks (except "Burning Savior") for the 1993 Peaceville Records reissue. The original mixes with Rose on drums only appear on the Napalm Records vinyl version and an original cassette edition made in Canada, and have never appeared on CD.

Critical Reception:
In his review for AllMusic, Eduardo Rivadavia writes;
“Having waited more than a decade to finally wax their excellent debut, Pentagram wasted little time in preparing its follow-up, 1987's even more accomplished “Day of Reckoning”. Though it was dedicated to Blue Cheer, the album is arguably the most faithful tribute to the original spirit of Black Sabbath ever committed to tape. Vocalist Bobby Liebling always recalled Ozzy Osbourne with his uncultured, barely adequate vocal delivery, and even borrows a few lyrics on "Evil Seed" and "Madman." But on “Day of Reckoning”, it's guitarist Victor Griffin's ability to replicate Tony Iommi's guitar tone and playing style which is nothing short of amazing. In fact, on the incredible "Broken Vows," he positively channels his spirit! Yet, this remarkable talent easily transcends mere imitation to become a loving re-interpretation of a well-known formula. Everywhere else, the quartet is in top form, whether charging through the galloping title track, or taking their time on the wonderfully melancholy, drawn-out doom epic "Burning Saviour"… very reminiscent of Swedish doomsters Candlemass. All things considered, “Day of Reckoning” remains Pentagram's best all-around effort, and provides an ideal first glimpse at this very influential, but seriously overlooked group.”

Links to Artists, Albums, and Music Videos:
Click this link to listen to “Day of Reckoning” via Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/day-of-reckoning/275631223
Click this link to listen to “Day of Reckoning” via Spotify: Day Of Reckoning https://open.spotify.com/album/0yoRd5CciBDzUc23iziLYm
Click this link to follow Pentagram on Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/pentagramusa/
Note: The reviews shared here are for historical reference. The views and opinions expressed within are not always supported (in full or in part) by Into the Wells. — E.N. Wells

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