29 years ago today, Helloween took us to “Where The Rain Grows”!

On this day (July 8 ) in 1994, Helloween released their sixth full-length studio album, “Master of the Rings” via Raw Power/Castle Communications. It is the first to feature new members Andi Deris and Uli Kusch.

This album contains three singles, which are "Where The Rain Grows"...

"Perfect Gentleman"...

...and "Sole Survivor", with corresponding videos for the first three.

"Mr. Ego" was dedicated to the band's former singer, Michael Kiske, and was released as an EP in Europe.

Helloween and vocalist Michael Kiske had reached the end of the road during the touring of 1993's "Chameleon". Michael Kiske's replacement was Andi Deris, formerly of Pink Cream 69.

After an alcohol and drug-related incident in Japan, drummer and co-founder of the band Ingo Schwichtenberg was replaced first by the session-drummer Richie Abdel-Nabi, then on a more permanent basis by former GAMMA RAY drummer Uli Kusch, who only arrived when most of the album was already written.

After two highly controversial studios projects and a live album, Helloween parted company with EMI records, aligning themselves with the more modestly sized Raw Power (an imprint of Castle Communications). Nevertheless, the effect of Deris and Kusch was to re-energize their collective fortunes. In Japan, "Master of The Rings" sold more than 120,000 copies.

Commenting on the recording sections for the album, bassist Markus Grosskopf said;
"It was very quick because there was a couple of songs Weiki [Michael Weikath, guitarist] did and Roland [Grapow, second guitarist] had a couple of stuff and then combined with the stuff Andi brought into the band you know it was very functioning and amazing because it went all so quick. We had like three months to rehearse and then the studio was booked and... That was a very quick session and I kind of liked that. There was also a drummer change because we got Uli Kusch in but we still did all that within like three months."

According to Roland Grapow's comments in the liner notes, the lyrics for "Take Me Home" were written by his wife Silvia (the song is simply credited to "Grapow" in the album).

Critical Reception:
Jason Anderson from AllMusic said;
“New vocalist Andi Deris displays all the personality and skill needed to replace a near legend, and the other bandmembers grind out their riffs with efficiency. Not quite as polished or confident as “The Time of the Oath”, “Master of the Rings” still has its own appeal, and should satisfy power metal fans looking to round out their Helloween collections.”

Links to Artists, Albums, and Music Videos:
Click this link to listen to “Master of the Rings” via Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/master-of-the-rings-expanded-edition/1143228832
Click this link to listen to “Master of the Rings” via Spotify: Master of the Rings https://open.spotify.com/album/2uKvyqmV4sQ8O7MLKqVOdC
Click this link to watch the official music video for “Where The Rain Grows”: https://youtu.be/evrs_9tUmDE
Click this link to watch the official music video for “Mr. Ego (Take Me Down)": https://youtu.be/leFkaRaOcD4
Click this link to watch the official music video for “Perfect Gentleman”: https://youtu.be/k8U8gjFx9Vk
Click this link to follow Helloween on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/helloweenofficial

Note: The reviews shared here are for historical reference. The views and opinions expressed within are not always supported (in full or in part) by Into the Wells. — E.N. Wells

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