32 years ago today, “Nothing But Death Remained”!

On July 9, 1991, Edge of Sanity released their debut full-length studio album “Nothing but Death Remains” via Black Mark Productions.

The album was recorded in January 1991 at Montezuma Studios and was produced by Boss & Edge of Sanity. The albums cover artwork was created by Lennart Lindberg.

The album was dedicated to the memory of John Med Gummihandsken.

Talking about the band’s inception and about their debut release, Dan Swanö said;
"I remember that I thought MORTIFY would be a cool name, and I had a blood-dripping logo for it, and felt that this new project could "morph" with my solo project, but before I could suggest anything Andreas and Sami suggested EDGE OF SANITY, stolen from a movie I guess they had just seen. I honestly thought it was a bit lame and sounded like a melodic Thrash Metal band, but I didn't have the guts to overthrow the coolest guys in town, so I shut my mouth and let Andreas become the graphic designer of the band, and once I saw the demo cover he did for "Euthanasia" the name and graphics just fell into place. Nowadays I am grateful that we didn't take a typical Death metal name, because I am sure it would have limited us in what we could do musically in future to come.

Not really clear what it means. I hear the "Edge of Insanity" phrase all the time, and I guess it is a word play on the fact that you already are insane and slowly become normal...that made it work even more for us, because I love it when the lyrics have double meanings and when you get to come up with a nice twist of words that usually mean different things etc. Andreas did the first logo and I believe the other versions were some kind of "joint venture" between him and me. By the time we were about to do the cover for "Nothing but death remains" we realized that we had no big version of the logo. So I asked my father to make a version big enough to sit nicely on an LP cover and since my father was an amazing graphics artist, he agreed. I still have the original he did for us back then and it's amazing how "computer-made" it looks, but he did it all with ink. So the basic design is still used today (the skulls were added later, done by Lasse Hoile) are scans from my fathers "interpretation" of the EOS logo. And speaking of fathers. Anders Lindberg's father painted the cover artwork for the "Nothing but..." album. So one dad did the logo another dad the artwork. Quite the family business there for a while.” — Dan Swanö

Critical Reception:
In his review for AllMusic, Jason Anderson stated;
“While Edge of Sanity didn't break any new ground on this 1991 debut, the group exhibited a certain flair that's hard to come by in the death metal arena. Solid throughout, this eight-song release had a strong impact among metal enthusiasts with its consistent, rather colorful, if not untraditional music. The low, torturous vocals that play a large role in defining any real death metal band are never abandoned during Nothing but Death Remains.

This textural stasis is heartily matched by the perpetually buzzing guitars. Together with some capable drumming, the whole concoction works nicely on standout tracks like the well-grooved "Angel of Distress" and the hyper-syncopated "Human Aberration." There are only a few dull moments, and they are brief, so Nothing but Death Remains qualifies as a very respectable debut from one of death metal's more reliable '90s outfits.”

I'm Links to Artists, Albums, and Music Videos:
Click this link to listen to “Nothing But Death Remains” via Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/nothing-but-death-remains/1438975478
Click this link to listen to “Nothing But Death Remains” via Spotify: Nothing but Death Remains
Click this link to follow the Edge of Sanity fan page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063706420566&mibextid=LQQJ4d

Note: The reviews shared here are for historical reference. The views and opinions expressed within are not always supported (in full or in part) by Into the Wells. — E.N. Wells

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