On November 18, 2009, Dark Funeral released their fifth full-length studio album Angelus Exuro pro Eternus (grammatically incorrect Latin intended to mean Angels Burned for Eternity) via Regain Records.
It was recorded at The Abyss Studio in Grangärde, Sweden, with engineer and producer Peter Tägtgren, who also produced Dark Funeral's earlier studio albums (with the exception of Attera Totus Sanctus). The record was then mastered by Jonas Kjellgren at the Black Lodge Studios. Angelus Exuro pro Eternus is the last album to feature vocalist Emperor Magus Caligula, the only album to feature bassist B-Force and the first to feature Dominator on drums.

After several shows promoting the album, Dark Funeral released Angelus Exuro pro Eternus. They also shot a controversial music video for My Funeral (more on that below).

Musically, Angelus Exuro pro Eternus has been described as the band's most technical and varied album to date, with considerably more progression and innovation while remaining "true to its roots". The cover artwork for Angelus Exuro Pro Eternus was created by Daniel "Morbid" Valeriani.

The album is also available with a bonus live DVD, which contains approximately 55 minutes of previously unreleased material. The DVD was professionally filmed with 6 cameras during the band's highly acclaimed 15th anniversary special show during the Peace & Love festival in Borlänge, Sweden, on June 28, 2008. The album also includes two versions (censored and uncensored) of their video for the track My Funeral. The video was shot over the August 21–23 weekend and was released on October 4, 2009.
“The video was shot in and outside an old and closed mental hospital. The environment was just killer. And besides, it suited the video theme perfect!” — Lord Ahriman

On October 7, 2009, three days later after the initial air of the video, after nearly 30,000 views, the full and uncensored version of My Funeral had been pulled from MySpace, causing a backlash from fans. This forced the band to upload a censored version of the video in response.
“So, it took about three days, and from what I have been told, 30,000 views, for MySpace to pull our new majestic video for My Funeral. That's fucking lame, to say the least! Even though I respect MySpace and their rules, I'm totally against censorship. The way I see it, and as long as it's not illegal (and there sure wasn't anything illegal in the video), if you find something on the Internet you don't like, just don't fucking watch it! How hard can it be? Let everyone else who enjoy it do so without your interfering. Either way, whoever flagged it should know that you just did us a great, great favor; thank you! Now people will hunt the uncensored version and I'm absolutely sure that your pathetic action will increase the plays with thousands and thousands of views. So, once again, thank you, but fuck you! I hope the rest of you enjoy our new tune and video anyway!” — Lord Ahriman

Critical Reception:
Upon release, the album was met with rave reviews by music critics and Dark Funeral fans, with only a few reviewers giving the work negative or average ratings. gave the album 4/5 stars stating;
“Some Black Metal purists may not fully appreciate the segments where Dark Funeral alters the old school formula to mimic some of the more well known bands in the genre. Anyone who seeks out melody in chaos shouldn’t have any complaints, however. The constant melody underneath the brutality, without resorting to keyboards, is a commendable feat that many bands haven’t been able to achieve. Fans of high production Black Metal with a heaping dose of blasting should keep their heads banging for all nine tracks.” gave the album 4.5/5 stars with one reviewer saying;
“This album is simply spectacular. - Raw, Fast, Relentless, Evil, and equally Heavy (which is something I've noticed is stangely not often said in the Black Metal world). I would recommend this to ANY fan of Black Metal in general, and especially the already DieHardened-fans of Dark Funeral, since for them, could either come across as the best Black Metal album of the Year, or a Blasphemous Shat-Encrusted Dirge upon the music scene.........which would be difficult for me to grasp if the latter were true.” gave the album 4/5 stars while stating;
“Angelus Exuro pro Eternus is a brave assault upon the Black Metal parapet, however, presenting a re-energized Dark Funeral who sound practically rabid; an established band with something to prove. Though it’s been four years since we last heard from the group, the time spent away looks to have been worthwhile, because Dark Funeral hasn’t sounded this vicious in years. Bassist/vocalist Emperor Magus Caligula should be particularly commended, as the man practically seethes his hatred through every hateful scream and hiss.”

Side Note:
The latter half of 2010 saw the band consisting of only Ahriman and Chaq Mol on guitars, following the departure of Emperor Magus Caligula in July 2010, and B-Force and Dominator in the coming months. Caligula's was arguably the most significant: after being in Dark Funeral for fifteen years as vocalist and lyricist, he had spent the longest time in the band, aside from Ahriman. It was announced Caligula was to be married and that he sought to settle down in his new life. B-Force left the band of his own volition. Ahriman used this time to work on new material, in the absence of a full line-up for live performances and studio recording.

Note: The reviews shared here are for historical reference. The views and opinions expressed within are not always supported (in full or in part) by Into the Wells. — E.N. Wells

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