On July 1st, 1998, Centinex released their fourth full-length studio album, “Reborn Through Flames” via Repulse Records.

The Wells Perspective:
One thing is for certain, Centinex can always be counted on to deliver high quality, chilling Death Metal! And, “Reborn Through Flames”, the Swedes fourth full length studio album is another example of the bands devastating strain of Blackened Death Metal.

Resigning from Abyss Studios and returning to Sunlight Studios to record the album, it features a brutal, yet crisp production which accentuates the aggression of the songs, while also adding to their energy. The end result is a release that rip souls to shreds with freezing cold shards of ice. The piano intro to the opening guitar riff of “Embraced by Moonlight” was the first signal that this album was going to be brilliant. Each song from then on brings new and exciting riffs – melodic, albeit brutal and infectious! There is no lack of energy throughout the entirety of this release. Tracks like “Through Celestial Gates” are classic Swedish Death that whip you into a furious headbanging frenzy! Crushing and memorable riffs are in abundance, while leads ring true with melodic segues.

“Reborn Through Flames” is an almost perfect guitar album and I dare to say that it is one of the best releases to emerge from the Swedish scene, even giving heavy hitters of Swedish Death a run for their money. Add to that, Centinex even included a devastating cover of Kreator’s “Under the Guillotine” – How could anyone resist?!
Regardless of the fact that Centinex were still using a drum machine (over a proper drummer) on “Reborn Through Flames”, the band still managed to pump out a genre defining classic that every fan of Death Metal should have in their collection. — E.N. Wells

Links to Artists, Albums, and Music Videos:
Click this link to buy to “Reborn Through Flames” via Bandcamp: https://xtreemmusic.bandcamp.com/album/reborn-through-flames
Click this link to listen to “Reborn Through Flames” via the XtreemMusic YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/fb0oPGZwpQM
Click this link to follow Centinex on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Centinexofficial?mibextid=LQQJ4d
Note: The reviews shared here are for historical reference. The views and opinions expressed within are not always supported (in full or in part) by Into the Wells. — E.N. Wells

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