40 years ago this week, the band featuring the “First Lady of Heavy Metal”, otherwise known as Betsy released their dominatrix fueled album, “Be My Slave”, titillating some while attracting the ire of Tipper Gore and the P.M.R.C.

On July 1, 1983, Bitch (aka Betsy) released their first full-length studio album “Be My Slave” via Metal Blade Records under the genre "Dominatrix Metal".
“Be My Slave” was cited by Tipper Gore, during the Parents Music Resource Center campaign against violent and sexually explicit content in the music industry.

Bitch was formed in December 1980, and played their first show in May 1981 alongside Dante Fox (later to become Great White). Shortly after the band was formed, guitarist David Carruth met Brian Slagel, future CEO of Metal Blade Records, and the two became friends. Slagel was working on a compilation album to tie into a Heavy Metal fanzine he had started called “The New Heavy Metal Revue”, and offered to place Bitch on the compilation if they would submit a demo to him. This project would become the landmark compilation “Metal Massacre” (1982), which would become famous for launching the career of Metallica and for being the first album ever released by Metal Blade Records. Bitch's contribution to “Metal Massacre” was a demo version of "Live for the Whip", which would be rerecorded for their debut EP “Damnation Alley”.
Bitch signed for the label and released a self-financed EP titled “Damnation Alley” (1982). The following year, the group released their first full-length album, “Be My Slave”. During the tour of the album, Bitch developed their controversial and elaborate stage shows. These included sadomasochistic elements such as bondage clothing and paraphernalia, and the humiliation of a male "slave" on stage. The band then became a target in the Parents Music Resource Center controversy. The “Be My Slave” LP was featured on talk shows and in a televised congressional hearing that took place before the United States Senate’s Committee On Commerce, Science, and Transportation on September 19, 1985. Throughout this time, Bitch played regularly in Sunset Strip clubs like The Whiskey a Go Go, Gazzarri's, The Roxy Theatre, and many others, sharing the bill with other Metal groups such as W.A.S.P., Slayer and Armored Saint.
The album was re-issued in 1989 on a single CD with the EP “Damnation Alley”.
Critical Reception:
Upon its release, Dave Constable gave “Be My Slave” undue harsh criticism in his review for Metal Forces No. 1 in Autumn of 1983, saying; “The “Damnation Alley” E.P. was one of last years disappointments for me. After so much media hype I was expecting something new from Bitch, as a band, but their L.P. was just the same old riffs churned out with a poor (though original) vocalist Betsy. Their first L.P. is a slight improvement however. This being due more to the varying of pace throughout the album than to any improvement in Betsy's voice. It starts off promisingly enough with “Right From The Start”, an uptempo rocker which would make a good single.
The title track follows in a similar vein, but somehow lacks the commercial punch to really hit home. “Leatherbound” comes next and fails yet again to promote the whips/leather syndrome as a Heavy Metal concept. “Riding In Thunder” and “Save You From The World” are just average Metal toons with the latter beings itself saved by a toning down of Betsy's voice. “Heavy Metal Breakdown” opens side two and unfortunately is the only original song on the side. From hereon it's just standard rockers in the Priest vein. So another disappointment from Bitch. They're fast running out of chances and must get some original musical ideas together fast or they are doomed.”
Constable concluded with a footnote about the albums cover saying; “The cover does not do Betsy's looks any justice at all and will serve no purpose, but to put people off buying the L.P.” (Personal note from E.N. Wells; the cover was why I decided to purchase the vinyl record as a teen, but I also loved the music as well).
While In his retrospective review for the CD reissue of “Be My Slave/Damnation Alley”, Alex Henderson from AllMusic writes; “Uniting Bitch's first full-length album, “Be My Slave” (1983), with songs from its 1981 EP “Damnation Alley” on a single CD, this reissue shows just how delightfully outrageous the L.A.-based Metal band was in the beginning. With her S&M and bondage themes and frequent references to whips, chains and handcuffs, lead singer Betsy (who sounds like Pat Benatar's evil twin) managed to offend liberals and conservatives alike. But on blistering numbers like "Leatherbound," "Live for the Whip" and "Be My Slave," Betsy's portrayal of a dominatrix seems very tongue-in-cheek. With 1987's “The Bitch Is Back”, Bitch would tone down its S&M-oriented lyrics, but when the cult classics on this CD were recorded, the headbangers were still unapologetically shocking (in a very comic way). For metalheads who haven't experienced the insanely fun pleasures of Bitch, “Be My Slave” would be the best starting point.”
Links to Artists, Albums, and Music Videos:
Click this link to listen to “Be My Slave/Damnation Alley Re-issue” via Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/be-my-slave-damnation-alley/53262468
Click this link to listen to “Be My Slave” via Spotify: Be My Slave https://open.spotify.com/album/7hB9VdWDDzLAFaLKqc31R8
Click this link to watch the official music video for “Be My Slave”: https://youtu.be/VbQHbtBtH4M
Click this link to follow Bitch featuring Betsy on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BetsyBBand
Note: The reviews shared here are for historical reference. The views and opinions expressed within are not always supported (in full or in part) by Into the Wells. — E.N. Wells

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